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Death On Parade Elite Clan =DOPE= Battlefield 2/2142 Worldwide Clan Over 18s English Speaking Only
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Number of posts : 1
Age : 51
Your location : peterborough
Registration date : 2007-02-01

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PostSubject: clan members   clan members Icon_minitimeThu Feb 01, 2007 5:21 am

i think we should have a pratise tnite i know people have comitments else where. but i only get 2 nites a week off i could not make the last match i feel that we need 2 pratise at least once a week acouple of hours 4 once a week is not a lot 2 ask. if this clan is going 2 go anywhere we need 2 pratise. greenday suplied the server we should be using it it is a great server and we all get on well 2 gether so lets start pratising thanks deaffart
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