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Death On Parade Elite Clan =DOPE= Battlefield 2/2142 Worldwide Clan Over 18s English Speaking Only
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 Please read this clan members!!!!!!!

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-=DOPE=- reefup
-=DOPE=- TheBarnard
-=DOPE=- bifta
9 posters
-=DOPE=- bifta
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-=DOPE=- bifta

Number of posts : 154
Age : 49
Your location : Peterborough, UK
Registration date : 2006-11-22

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PostSubject: Please read this clan members!!!!!!!   Please read this clan members!!!!!!! Icon_minitimeMon Feb 12, 2007 4:20 am

Right, I don't like moaning but here goes.

What is going on with you lot? As some of you may have seen I posted in the blog about leaving the clan, I have changed my mind as I have put effort into this and do not want to see it fail.

What I now need is for any members not wanting to be in the clan to say so and leave and those who still want in to pay their subs and start being there for practice nights, I have said this before and nothing has come of it so now I am pissed off.

I don't think a few hours a week is much to ask, if you haven't got a few hours a week to spare then simply say so, I have removed the paypal button from the main page as I keep getting shitty emails saying they're from ebay and paypal trying to get me to sign in, so you will have to send payment through my email addy which I will give you on request.

All members are also required to check the forums to keep up to date with what is going on with the clan, I check the members list every day and have noticed that hardly anyone has been on here, I am going to remove members who have never visited now so you will notice the number of members go down.

It has now got to the point where I will be removing members from the clan who can not meet our requirements, I am not going to put all of my spare time into this if nobody else makes an effort.

I expect all members to reply to this to let me know what is going on, all members who have not replied within a week of today will be removed (unless they are in hospital or something), I do not want to have to do this but we need to get rid of the deadwood so we can start taking this clan somewhere.

So please let me know what is going on by 18/2/07

EDIT: I have noticed guests on the forums whick I think may be members, so when you visit could you please login, if you do not login there will be parts of the forums you will not see, thanks.
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-=DOPE=- TheBarnard
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-=DOPE=- TheBarnard

Number of posts : 21
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Registration date : 2007-01-06

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PostSubject: Re: Please read this clan members!!!!!!!   Please read this clan members!!!!!!! Icon_minitimeMon Feb 12, 2007 10:08 am

Im ok with that mate, i can perfectly understand if you're a bit pissed off. I'll definitely try and make it to the weekday practices, i am sorting out an ethernet connection to my room as we speak.

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-=DOPE=- bifta
Clan leader
Clan leader
-=DOPE=- bifta

Number of posts : 154
Age : 49
Your location : Peterborough, UK
Registration date : 2006-11-22

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PostSubject: Re: Please read this clan members!!!!!!!   Please read this clan members!!!!!!! Icon_minitimeMon Feb 12, 2007 10:20 am

Thanks for the reply mate, all I need to know is that everyone in the clan will make the effort, at the end of the day if people can not set a few hours a wek aside they shouldn't be in a clan, don't get me wrong this thread is not aimed at anyone in particular (think i splet that right lol) but we need to sort this out, we have loads of clans that will play us but lack teamplay to be able to do this.
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-=DOPE=- reefup
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Registration date : 2006-11-26

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PostSubject: Re: Please read this clan members!!!!!!!   Please read this clan members!!!!!!! Icon_minitimeTue Feb 13, 2007 3:24 am

Hiya boyo, i was also wonderin bout things, im still around, but always seem to turn up at the wrong time! I loaded the server on thurs as i thought it was shut to the public for practice and there was nobody there- just me : (
Maybe (just an idea) we should head for city maps? Allot more people have more time for the usuall karkand etc? Just a thought tho, its your server at the end of the day!! As for subs I sent 10 rubs in jan, so am i paid up till next month?
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Number of posts : 12
Age : 47
Your location : UK
Registration date : 2006-11-30

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PostSubject: Re: Please read this clan members!!!!!!!   Please read this clan members!!!!!!! Icon_minitimeTue Feb 13, 2007 3:34 am

Yeah sorry ive been really busy at work... will be putting in some more time soon...i do have to agree with reefup gimmee some karkand pleeeaasssseeee.
lovin ya work -=DOPE=- bifta
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-=DOPE=- bifta
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-=DOPE=- bifta

Number of posts : 154
Age : 49
Your location : Peterborough, UK
Registration date : 2006-11-22

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PostSubject: Re: Please read this clan members!!!!!!!   Please read this clan members!!!!!!! Icon_minitimeTue Feb 13, 2007 3:36 am

You are upto date reefup, just need to see more of ya mate Laughing
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-=DOPE=- bifta
Clan leader
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-=DOPE=- bifta

Number of posts : 154
Age : 49
Your location : Peterborough, UK
Registration date : 2006-11-22

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PostSubject: Re: Please read this clan members!!!!!!!   Please read this clan members!!!!!!! Icon_minitimeTue Feb 13, 2007 3:38 am

-=DOPE=- rik1977 wrote:
Yeah sorry ive been really busy at work... will be putting in some more time soon...i do have to agree with reefup gimmee some karkand pleeeaasssseeee.
lovin ya work -=DOPE=- bifta

We need this months payment mate, if yiu want I will PM you my emaill addy unless you still have me in paypal?

As for the city maps, we will give it a go untill the weekend and see how it goes.
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Number of posts : 12
Age : 47
Your location : UK
Registration date : 2006-11-30

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PostSubject: Re: Please read this clan members!!!!!!!   Please read this clan members!!!!!!! Icon_minitimeTue Feb 13, 2007 5:26 am

ill make payment tonight. soz
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-=DOPE=- bifta
Clan leader
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-=DOPE=- bifta

Number of posts : 154
Age : 49
Your location : Peterborough, UK
Registration date : 2006-11-22

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PostSubject: Re: Please read this clan members!!!!!!!   Please read this clan members!!!!!!! Icon_minitimeTue Feb 13, 2007 11:07 am

cheers dude Wink
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Number of posts : 7
Age : 55
Your location : At the ymca
Registration date : 2006-11-24

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PostSubject: Re: Please read this clan members!!!!!!!   Please read this clan members!!!!!!! Icon_minitimeFri Feb 16, 2007 8:23 am

Just got my own place in derby..a 1 bedroom flat..with wait for it...MY VERY OWN PC ROOM...
just right for my pc and me to get lost in..
just got to wait for the internet to get hooked up..
as i only moved in last friday.(08-02-07)
so you will have to bear with me..
as i aint got shit in my flat yet..but i got my pc and its in its own room...BONUS..
hope to catch up with you all VERY VERY SOON.
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-=DOPE=- bifta
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-=DOPE=- bifta

Number of posts : 154
Age : 49
Your location : Peterborough, UK
Registration date : 2006-11-22

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PostSubject: Re: Please read this clan members!!!!!!!   Please read this clan members!!!!!!! Icon_minitimeFri Feb 16, 2007 10:03 am

NP, mate, it'll be good to see you back on the battlefield, glad to hear you've got your flat sorted at last, I would give you a ring but you know how tight I am lol.
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-=DOPE=- boru

-=DOPE=- boru

Number of posts : 7
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Registration date : 2007-02-13

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PostSubject: Re: Please read this clan members!!!!!!!   Please read this clan members!!!!!!! Icon_minitimeFri Feb 16, 2007 6:11 pm

come on lads. o join'd this clan coz i thoiught you'd all be inand playing, not likeing the lak of people on! im up for making an effert for the goup even if i never play a compedative matich, im hear for the teamwrok and fun that goes with it, believe me i know what it means to ahev a squad that you can trust behind you. ( yes i was on the piss tonight)
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-=DOPE=- bifta
Clan leader
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-=DOPE=- bifta

Number of posts : 154
Age : 49
Your location : Peterborough, UK
Registration date : 2006-11-22

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PostSubject: Re: Please read this clan members!!!!!!!   Please read this clan members!!!!!!! Icon_minitimeSat Feb 17, 2007 4:22 am

This is not good, I expected better than this, we have had some good games together working as a team, it seems to me that you lot lost interest after we got beat by UWAW.

I would like to thank the peeps who have made an effort and warn those who have not that D day is tomorrow night, I still need subs from rik and Guvna and need to see all members on sunday night for practice, those who do not do this will no longer be a -=DOPE=- member on monday.

I am on the lookout for new members to join us most of the time and we are looking into starting the 2142 side of the clan up aswell, we now have alot of clans wanting to play us, a few have posted on here and there has been a few peeps add me to Xfire as to ask for a match, tbh I am getting fed up with having to say we need time to sort the clan, I should not have to chase you up fpr subs and to get you to be here for practice nights, I am now going to change practice nights to thursdays and sundsays,, if we have a match one week it will be in place of practice on either of these days.

Everyone joined this clan for a reason, so unless anything has changed you should all be about, I don't think it is much to ask if you still want in, but from the response to this topic it looks like it is, I hope to see you all on sunday night, but if not I do not want you coming on monday and asking why you have been removed from the clan.

So, here it is chaps, last chance.
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-=DOPE=- BattleCry
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-=DOPE=- BattleCry

Number of posts : 35
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Registration date : 2006-11-22

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PostSubject: Re: Please read this clan members!!!!!!!   Please read this clan members!!!!!!! Icon_minitimeSat Feb 17, 2007 4:51 am

As a Clan leader i second Bifta request for -=DOPE=- Members to be Members and not a once a month member we need consistency to make this work. i know people have comentments with work family ect, but we as clan leaders have put alot of effort and money into this so we dont want it to Fail. Come guys n girls(i wish lol) be consistent post in the forum ie your ideas and comments, lets make this work we allways take note of your ideas and we much appreciate them. Members means matchers. dont worry about our first clan match they were cheating and we did very well on the second round even with them cheating. I know we have the skills and work very well together as a clan so Join to play not just to be a fly by night member.
P.S Subs are there to cover the server/web site and forum costs as clan leaders we dont take any moneys and when there is money spare we put it into competitions for all our members to enjoy, atm we are trying to save as much money as we can so the clan can move on with 2142 server but we cant achieve this without new member support.

Kind regards Paul (BattleCry). Im here for the -=DOPE=- Clan Allways n Forever i just hope you as paying members are also.
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-=DOPE=- KofC

Number of posts : 9
Age : 41
Your location : Surrey, England
Registration date : 2007-01-19

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PostSubject: Re: Please read this clan members!!!!!!!   Please read this clan members!!!!!!! Icon_minitimeSat Feb 17, 2007 4:55 am

Hey KofC here. Yea I agree with all the things raised. I do play, but this week its been late at night. Do shift work you see. 1 week early, 1 week late. Plus it don't help that I'm starting a new job soon. Gotta lot of things to do. So sometimes I wont be seen for a wee while. But I'm still in though. Tis a good server and a good clan. Perhaps tomorrow after we've all been to church Razz we should all go on the server. Just to show our faces. Ill be about most of the day, I'm first in the J-10 mind.
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-=DOPE=- KofC

Number of posts : 9
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Registration date : 2007-01-19

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PostSubject: Re: Please read this clan members!!!!!!!   Please read this clan members!!!!!!! Icon_minitimeSat Feb 17, 2007 4:56 am

And I'll give you a few quid. On payday early march
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-=DOPE=- bifta
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-=DOPE=- bifta

Number of posts : 154
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Your location : Peterborough, UK
Registration date : 2006-11-22

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PostSubject: Re: Please read this clan members!!!!!!!   Please read this clan members!!!!!!! Icon_minitimeSat Feb 17, 2007 5:05 am

OK mate np, if any of you have problems paying the subs please let me know, if I know of these things we may be able to help, but if everyone just stays away we have no idea what is going on and it looks bad on you.

Cheers for the reply KofC.
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-=DOPE=- Greenday
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Registration date : 2006-12-30

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PostSubject: Re: Please read this clan members!!!!!!!   Please read this clan members!!!!!!! Icon_minitimeSat Feb 17, 2007 12:23 pm

I have spoken to Bifta myself about the difficulty in member turn out and with myself being a little over active with things going on its making it fairly difficult to turn up on practice nights, altho I do go alot on the admin tool to see if there are enough members on practice nights to make it worth while there has been times recently when there hasn't.
I know full well what biftas talking about as i don't know if you've all noticed but although I have the =DOPE= on I have [TAA] there as well. That isn't a prefix I assigned my name when i first got bf2 to an old Q2 clan tag and revived it. We got a nice flurry of members over the course of a few weeks. But once it got to practice nights alot of the time it was me and one other. I gave up in the end I didn't really have the boot to kick everyone into place and just decided to play the game with players I knew.
Its gonna be a tough year for me as if I want my black belt in hapkido I'm gonna have to dedicate alot of time to achieve it. Also I've got the buzz of seeing a new girl at the minute and its hard not to turn down a nice night with her as well as that I've took on a new roll at work and its made me have to work later than I normally do. All this aside even if I can make just an hour of practice then I will although Thursday night is hapkido night so maybe tricky for me. Also sometimes I'm ready to play at 10pm which is normally after people have already played and its too late. Hopefully we can all work round each others schedules to get good practices in.
Lastly the effort Bifta and battlecry have put in I think should be commended by all it looks really really good well done guys and they have even changed the name to better suit the clan. Once again thanks.
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-=DOPE=- bifta
Clan leader
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-=DOPE=- bifta

Number of posts : 154
Age : 49
Your location : Peterborough, UK
Registration date : 2006-11-22

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PostSubject: Re: Please read this clan members!!!!!!!   Please read this clan members!!!!!!! Icon_minitimeSat Feb 17, 2007 1:20 pm

Thanks Greenday, tis thing like you have just said that make it worth my time, I hope this clan goes far, but if it doesn't then I will look into other avenues.

There is still a few members I need to hear from, if you are one of these please get in touch before it is too late, as I have said before I want the clan to go far, and to do this I need to cut away the deadwood.

If you have any problems anyone please feel free to have a chat with me on TC or Xfire or even MSN.
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-=DOPE=- bifta
Clan leader
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-=DOPE=- bifta

Number of posts : 154
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Your location : Peterborough, UK
Registration date : 2006-11-22

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PostSubject: Re: Please read this clan members!!!!!!!   Please read this clan members!!!!!!! Icon_minitimeMon Feb 19, 2007 3:29 am

I was on a bit late and was annoyed to see that only Greenday was on, my mood was made a little better when KofC came on, this just isn't good enough and I think everyone knows it is not on but seem to not be making effort.

As I have said before, if you do not have time to be part of the clan please just say so, so that the rest of the clan can try and get on, this needs sorting a.s.a.p.

Wednesday will be the next practice night, the server will not be locked, what I would like to do is get as many members on as we can and practice working as a team in squads.
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-=DOPE=- KofC

Number of posts : 9
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Registration date : 2007-01-19

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PostSubject: Re: Please read this clan members!!!!!!!   Please read this clan members!!!!!!! Icon_minitimeMon Feb 19, 2007 11:50 am

Was on there this afternoon. But not for long. Reason being everyone was base-raping on an epic scale. But I was unable to kick the offenders. Fealt like a toothless tiger saying stop base-raping etc. And being nored. Role on payday, to pay subs. = Kicking abilities. Hopefully
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-=DOPE=- bifta
Clan leader
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-=DOPE=- bifta

Number of posts : 154
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Registration date : 2006-11-22

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PostSubject: Re: Please read this clan members!!!!!!!   Please read this clan members!!!!!!! Icon_minitimeTue Feb 20, 2007 3:08 am

I will sort your admin out when I talk to you next mate.
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-=DOPE=- bifta
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-=DOPE=- bifta

Number of posts : 154
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Registration date : 2006-11-22

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PostSubject: Re: Please read this clan members!!!!!!!   Please read this clan members!!!!!!! Icon_minitimeWed Feb 28, 2007 6:48 am

It looks as if I am going to have to remove rik from the clan, I do not want to but any new members joining or looking to join will think that this clan is a joke and let's face it they wouldn't be too far off the mark, when coming on the forums please make sure you login and check the portal for new topics / replies.

Other members who are not making an effort will be removed from the clan soon aswell, so if you want to be a part of the clan, turn up and start making an effort, as I have said before a few hours a week isn't much to ask, and if you think it is you have no place in any clan.
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PostSubject: Re: Please read this clan members!!!!!!!   Please read this clan members!!!!!!! Icon_minitime

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