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Death On Parade Elite Clan =DOPE= Battlefield 2/2142 Worldwide Clan Over 18s English Speaking Only
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 Getting the clan going

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5 posters
-=DOPE=- bifta
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-=DOPE=- bifta

Number of posts : 154
Age : 49
Your location : Peterborough, UK
Registration date : 2006-11-22

Getting the clan going Empty
PostSubject: Getting the clan going   Getting the clan going Icon_minitimeThu Dec 28, 2006 2:10 pm

Christmas is now over and we are soon to get a server, I need to see all clan members make an effort to get this working well.

I would like to make thursday nights meet nights, this means as of the 4th of january we will meet at a time that is best for the majority of the clan every week at that time, if there is anyone who is not happy to do this then all they have to do is leave the clan.

I know that it isn't easy to put the time in to play every week so the odd night missed is not a problem, as long as it's not more often than not.

I am going to set some time aside to look for new members, as we do not have enough yet to be a proper clan, but I feel that I can get enough peeps before we start the weekly meets.

So could you please reply to this to say if you still want to do this or would rather just play the game without the hassle of having to meet every week and play matches.
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-=DOPE=- bifta
Clan leader
Clan leader
-=DOPE=- bifta

Number of posts : 154
Age : 49
Your location : Peterborough, UK
Registration date : 2006-11-22

Getting the clan going Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting the clan going   Getting the clan going Icon_minitimeFri Dec 29, 2006 5:24 am

I have spoken to 0M3N and he has said he will not be able to make weekly meets as he is too busy, I would like to thank him for the time he has put in and the TS server.

All I need now is to know how the rest of you feel, please reply so I can work out what needs to be done, thanks
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-=DOPE=- BattleCry
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-=DOPE=- BattleCry

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Registration date : 2006-11-22

Getting the clan going Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting the clan going   Getting the clan going Icon_minitimeFri Dec 29, 2006 9:41 am

Thursdays are sort of good for me, so i will go with the flow.
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-=DOPE=- reefup
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Registration date : 2006-11-26

Getting the clan going Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting the clan going   Getting the clan going Icon_minitimeFri Dec 29, 2006 2:53 pm

I work a shift, so 1 week is good, 1 week isn't (my late finishes at 10pm, unless you are gonna play late?).
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-=DOPE=- bifta
Clan leader
Clan leader
-=DOPE=- bifta

Number of posts : 154
Age : 49
Your location : Peterborough, UK
Registration date : 2006-11-22

Getting the clan going Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting the clan going   Getting the clan going Icon_minitimeSat Dec 30, 2006 5:01 am

That's not too much of a problem mate, we can sort something out, we could even make practice meets at the weekend if it is better for people.
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Number of posts : 13
Age : 44
Registration date : 2006-11-23

Getting the clan going Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting the clan going   Getting the clan going Icon_minitimeSat Dec 30, 2006 11:30 am

it's stupid for me to reply as i'm the only person on this forum thats not going to be a part of the clan, maybe sometime in the future when i can afford a brand new pc i might be able to join.

But like what i keep saying good luck with everything mate
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-=DOPE=- bifta
Clan leader
Clan leader
-=DOPE=- bifta

Number of posts : 154
Age : 49
Your location : Peterborough, UK
Registration date : 2006-11-22

Getting the clan going Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting the clan going   Getting the clan going Icon_minitimeSat Dec 30, 2006 11:37 am

Cheers Stu, it would be great if you got BF2 but understand getting a pc that would play it isn't cheap.

We need 15 members to go onto the clanbase so untill we have 15 we will just be having meets and with any luck some friendly games against other clans.
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-=DOPE=- Troypaco
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-=DOPE=- Troypaco

Number of posts : 3
Age : 57
Registration date : 2006-11-23

Getting the clan going Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting the clan going   Getting the clan going Icon_minitimeTue Jan 02, 2007 12:20 pm

Thursdays ok for me, as long as you dont mind me joining around 9pm. My 5yr old son goes to bed approx 8pm (sometimes a little later). As you can appreciate i can not really come on here until he is in the land of nod.
Battlecry, if you dont see me on BF2, any chance you can buzz me pls m8. :-)
Happy new Year all..
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Getting the clan going Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting the clan going   Getting the clan going Icon_minitime

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Getting the clan going
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