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Death On Parade Elite Clan =DOPE= Battlefield 2/2142 Worldwide Clan Over 18s English Speaking Only
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 A sad ending but to a new beginning..

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4 posters
-=DOPE=- Greenday
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Number of posts : 18
Age : 49
Your location : Norwich UK
Registration date : 2006-12-30

A sad ending but to a new beginning.. Empty
PostSubject: A sad ending but to a new beginning..   A sad ending but to a new beginning.. Icon_minitimeMon Apr 02, 2007 12:44 pm

Hey guys, sorry to see the clan never made it to be successful I spose its tough now bf2 is as old as it is now and I know from experience how tough keeping a clan alive is. I havent been on the scene for a while cause of my new gf. I've had alot of doubts about her and have struggled to stick with her although I am still with her now. Poss insecurities getting in the way also has not helped matters so I've been concentrating my time to my new relationship. I checked back only a few days ago and noticed the clan had closed and yes I was gutted cause I had mostly good times playing bf2 with you all. So I must apologise for my lack of commitment when the clan was at its rockiest but perhaps this was fate. The server is still online until the 8th of April but will leave it to run its course.

Anyway enough of the doom and gloom heres the future..
I hope you guys still have time to play online so I'll be up for a game or 2 if you're about.. Also I want everyones contact details so I can keep in touch I've made new friends and wanna keep in contact with you all I'm sure new games and new challenges will come to light where we can get together and have a laugh playing.
As some of you know I'm in a bf2142 clan called MAFiA I have been neglecting them too but there are quite a few members dedicated to the clan so if anyone gets stuck with other commitments for a while it doesnt matter as much but if any of you are interested in joining don't hesitate to pop onto and use my name as a reference. They are a good bunch and are always up for a laugh and secondly I can still keep in touch Smile Some of the members are into other games too like WoW etc.
The main thing is though I hope you are all ok and hope to speak to you all soon

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-=DOPE=- bifta
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-=DOPE=- bifta

Number of posts : 154
Age : 49
Your location : Peterborough, UK
Registration date : 2006-11-22

A sad ending but to a new beginning.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A sad ending but to a new beginning..   A sad ending but to a new beginning.. Icon_minitimeTue Apr 03, 2007 9:55 am

Hi mate, glad to hear you are ok, it would be great to have the odd game still, you have me on xfire and i'm on there most of the time.

I have been messing about with my RC car ans site (hint hint lol), we've done a few videos and I would like to get a new car, so that's me kept busy lol, hope to see you on xfire at some point dude......
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-=DOPE=- BattleCry
Clan leader
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-=DOPE=- BattleCry

Number of posts : 35
Age : 50
Your location : Derbyshire UK
Registration date : 2006-11-22

A sad ending but to a new beginning.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A sad ending but to a new beginning..   A sad ending but to a new beginning.. Icon_minitimeThu Apr 05, 2007 11:26 am

affraid Well im still about still playing bf2 now and again on xfire if anyone wants a chat. C ya around or i will see you on the other side.
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-=DOPE=- TheBarnard
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-=DOPE=- TheBarnard

Number of posts : 21
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Registration date : 2007-01-06

A sad ending but to a new beginning.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A sad ending but to a new beginning..   A sad ending but to a new beginning.. Icon_minitimeTue Apr 10, 2007 5:11 am

Heya guys, really sorry I haven't been around too often lately, I was real disappointed when I saw the clan was closed, but I suppose that it just wasn't meant to be.
I still play sometimes, but I've got lots of public exams coming up and other commitments...but still I will be around. Just stick around on xfire and I'll be about.

Harry (my xfire is TheBarnard)
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-=DOPE=- BattleCry
Clan leader
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-=DOPE=- BattleCry

Number of posts : 35
Age : 50
Your location : Derbyshire UK
Registration date : 2006-11-22

A sad ending but to a new beginning.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A sad ending but to a new beginning..   A sad ending but to a new beginning.. Icon_minitimeTue Apr 10, 2007 5:15 am

All was alitle Rushed if you ask me ..but hey im just the tech head behind the madness!.
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A sad ending but to a new beginning.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A sad ending but to a new beginning..   A sad ending but to a new beginning.. Icon_minitime

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