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Death On Parade Elite Clan =DOPE= Battlefield 2/2142 Worldwide Clan Over 18s English Speaking Only
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-=DOPE=- bifta
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-=DOPE=- bifta

Number of posts : 154
Age : 49
Your location : Peterborough, UK
Registration date : 2006-11-22

Battlerecorder Empty
PostSubject: Battlerecorder   Battlerecorder Icon_minitimeTue Jan 30, 2007 10:37 am

As you all know, we have been trying to set battlerecorder up for a while now, we have started to get somewhere with it now, the games are being saved to the BF2 server and not the site we wanted them to be, this is what is causing the lag on the server, you should now be able to download games from community in the game.

If you dload a file you need to either install a file from EA called Demo.cmd which can be found at , I have not done it this way before so you will need to read up on it, or you can use Battlelauncher V1.2 which you can download from

I will be posting help for this on the clans site soon so you can use it without having to search all over the place to get it working, be aware that if you decide to make a movie out of the demos you have, it will take a while to do, my first video took me a whole day to record and render.

We will now be looking into getting the files to be saved on another server so the lag should sort itself when this is done.

If you use battlelauncher you should know that it modifies a file in your root BF2 folder and that untill you replace it with the default file that can be found in program files battlelauncher/ backup, you will. not be able to join games as PB will kick you for having the modded file.

Well that's it, just thought I would let you know what is going on.

BTW I think the next comp will be a BF2 vid, so start getting used to using it to be in with the chance of winning whatever great prize will be up for grabs.
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